Here are some simple things to pray this Advent season.
Pray for opportunities to learn something new, regularly.
Pray for strong relationships with other people in the bond of loving community.
Pray for peace in all situations, no matter what the circumstances.
Pray for joy and a sense of humor. *Have you ever prayed for a sense of humor?
Pray for a clear mind and the ability to clearly communicate what you value to others.
Pray for purity so you can grow as a person and encounter God more fully.
Pray for openness to the Holy Spirit's guidance.
Pray for a genuine awareness of God's grace in your life and the humility to extend grace to others.
Pray for attentiveness to what truly matters, without being distracted by trivial things.
Pray for freedom from all that burdens you - past mistakes, fears, destructive habits, hurts other people have inflicted … (fill in blank).
Pray for the grace to be able to rest, become aware of God's presence and enjoy it.
From “Pray for Simplicity this Advent”
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