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Disciple one

On Sunday, Jan. 8, 2023, Pastor Chris preached a message entitled, "What can God do in 2023?" During this message, He laid out a plan for intentionally and specifically discipling others this coming year called "D1: Disciple One." ... One person. One year.






Download the handout and overview guide here

What can God do in 2023?Rev. Chris M. Moore
00:00 / 37:49


Here is what our folks are sharing as they ask others: 


"I thought of a friend of our family. She is so lonely and craves friendship so much. ... She cried when I told her what I wanted us to do. ... I’m excited about how God will work in our relationship. (My daughter was disappointed I didn’t choose her 😂)"


"I'm thinking through who could be mine. I'm not quite sure yet."


"I've been struggling with who my D1 would be — going back and forth on whom to choose and how I would do this. Well, I narrowed it down to two people. This past Saturday, one of those two texted me out of the blue asking for some devotional suggestions. LOOK AT GOD!!!! So I told my husband today that I knew who mine would be now. ... Soooo here goes the next year! 😬"


"I asked the young man God placed on my heart. He was excited and ready to get started."

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