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Starting the week of Monday, April 15, we will kick off our Spring Bible Study of the book of James.


This page has been set up as a resource for you.

Image by Aaron Burden

How do we HEAR from God?

Read this overview of the HEAR method from Growing Up: How to Be a Disciple Who Makes Disciples. 



As we study books in the Bible, we should know more about them — their background, audience, penman, etc. One source you can use it or you can watch this overview video

Image by lilartsy

Example Journal Entry

Here is an example of a HEAR Journal Entry.

The Bible study method we will be using for this study is called the HEAR method.


All you need is ... 

(1) Your Bible [print or digital]

(2) A notebook and pen

(3) A few minutes 

(4) Begin in prayer and ask God to speak to you.

(5) Then read ONE chapter of James in its entirety.

(6) Then go through the steps below and write out a HEAR journal entry.


*For example, the goal is to read Chapter 1 at least 2-3 times one week and do 2-3 entries from your reading and time in the Word. Then the next week you'll move on to Chapter 2.


HEAR Bible Study Method


H - Highlight
E - Explain
A - Apply
R - Respond


Here are some questions to ask yourself and things your could think through and write down.


• Write out the verse(s) of Scripture that especially spoke to you
while you read. Most just select one verse from their reading. Then, interact with the Word by circling or underlining keywords or phrases.
• Include the chapter and verse number(s).


• Why was this written?
• To whom was it originally written?
• How does it fit with the verses before and after it?
• Why did the Holy Spirit include this passage in the book?
• What is He intending to communicate through this text?


• How can this help me?
• What does this mean today?
• What would the application of this verse look like in my life?
• What does this mean to me?
• What is God saying to me?


• Write out a call to action.
• What are you going to do because of what you've learned?
• Write a prayer based on what God has shown you in this passage.

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